Questions About Blood Pressure Control & Parkinson’s Disease 

Exploring Parkinson’s Disease’s Impact on Blood Pressure Control On a recent episode of APDA’s Dr. Gilbert Hosts, I spoke with Dr. Jose Palma, a doctor with expertise in autonomic dysfunction and Parkinson’s disease (PD). Autonomic dysfunction is common in PD and refers to the dysregulation of body functions that are not under conscious control such […]

Questions About Urinary Dysfunction & Parkinson’s Disease

Exploring Parkinson’s Disease’s Impact on Urinary Dysfunction On a recent episode of APDA’s Dr. Gilbert Hosts, I spoke with Dr. Victor Nitti, a urologist with expertise in Parkinson’s disease (PD). We covered a lot of ground during the broadcast and answered questions from the audience. It was a very informative conversation, and we encourage you […]

Best Diet Tips to Help Your Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms

Webinar Recap: A Healthy Diet’s Influence on Parkinson’s Disease While there are aspects of our health that are beyond our control (i.e., genetics), what we eat is one of the key elements of our health that is under our control. Recently, Jessica Schroeder, a registered dietitian nutritionist, was our featured guest on a special episode […]

2023 Update: New Parkinson’s Disease Treatments in the Clinical Trial Pipeline

New Parkinson’s Medication on the Horizon The development of potential new medications for Parkinson’s disease (PD) medications remains very active, with multiple new medications in various stages of research development that are aiming to treat and slow down PD. In past blogs, we have reviewed the various mechanisms of action that are being studied to […]

Determining Symptoms: Is it Parkinson’s Disease or Aging?

Is it a Parkinson’s symptom or a symptom of aging? As people age, they encounter new symptoms which may interfere with quality of life. The same is true for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). The tricky thing is that there are many similar symptoms between the two causes! Often people with PD are left wondering: […]

Parkinson’s Disease Virtual Technological Innovations

The Expanding Role of Technology Within Healthcare for Parkinson’s Disease Computers, smartphones, video — technology has become much more accessible and user-friendly and plays a big role in our everyday lives, from the ways we keep in touch to the ways we watch tv to the cars we drive (just to name a few). But […]

Trichloroethylene and Parkinson’s Disease Risk

TCE and Parkinson’s disease risk Like most chronic diseases, the chance of developing Parkinson’s disease (PD) is due to an accumulation of both genetic and environmental risk factors. Researchers are working to identify as many of these risk factors as possible as well as to understand what causes a person to develop Parkinson’s. For many […]

Questions on Sex, Intimacy & Parkinson’s Disease

Exploring Parkinson’s Disease’s Impact on Sex and Intimacy On a recent episode of APDA’s Dr. Gilbert Hosts, I spoke with Dr. Regina Koepp, a clinical psychologist with expertise on sex, intimacy, and Parkinson’s disease (PD). We covered a lot of ground during the broadcast and answered questions from the audience. It was a very informative […]


APDA RESEARCH: EXPLORING TECHNOLOGY APDA is committed to funding research that advances our understanding of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and improves the lives of those affected by it. Two current APDA-funded researchers are exploring innovative technologies that may help people with PD tackle gait and balance issues, among other challenging symptoms. Dr. James Liao, from the […]

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