Center For Andvanced Research (CAR)
Letter of Intent due: Dec 16, 2023.
Invitation for full application: Early February 2024
Full Application due: April 2024
Award details
The American Parkinson’s Disease Association (APDA) is a non-profit organization that aims to improve the lives of Parkinson’s patients and their families through education, support, and research. Despite the availability of various treatment options, there is a need for more advanced research to understand the disease’s underlying mechanisms and develop more effective therapies. APDA currently supports a network of eight CARs. Information about APDA’s existing CARs can be found at This year, APDA is looking to fund one additional CAR.
The awardee institution will receive an annual award of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). This award is subject to renewal upon satisfactory progress and adherence to reporting obligations.
The applicants will receive notification of the decision in June 2024. The APDA grant year runs from September 1st, 2024, to August 31st, 2025.
The Centers support large research programs which include research trainees, fellowship programs, early-stage discovery programs, and later stage clinical translation. These Centers facilitate research at the forefront of investigations into the causes, treatments, and finding the cure(s) for Parkinson’s disease.
The following US-based institutions are eligible to submit proposals:
- Research institutions, including universities, medical schools, and independent research institutes.
- Non-profit organizations that have a track record of conducting Parkinson’s Disease research.
Application Process and Proposal
The application process includes a letter of intent (LOI) due by December 16, 2023.
The letter of intent (LOI) will be submitted through Proposal Center (see link below) and should include the following information:
- A description of the Center Director’s experience and qualifications.
- Overall description of the proposed Center for Advanced Research: research themes and clinical, research, educational and administrative infrastructure.
- An overview of the institution/center’s past and current relationship with APDA
Full applications will be accepted only in response to an invitation. The full application will be submitted through Proposal Central and should include the following information:
- Abstract that provides an overview of the center and qualifications
- Overview that outlines the distinguishing features of the proposed Center, its goals and resources
- Listing of Center Faculty and Personnel
- NIH Biosketch of the principal investigator and other personnel critical to the success of the Center.
- Description of Center Clinical, Research and Educational infrastructure
- Summary of current clinical trials and extramural funding for PD research at the site
- Publications related to PD from the Center in the last year.
- Proposed projects for year 1 – Describe the Investigators, Aims, Preliminary Data, Research Design and Methods for one or more projects to be supported in the first year. Describe how Center support will lead to additional extramural support for Parkinson’s research.
A maximum of $100,000 is available per year. The following restrictions are placed on the funding from APDA:
- Indirect Cost – 10% of the total funding ($10,000)
- No travel expenses
- Publication costs limited to $2,000 each year
- No equipment purchases in excess of 10% of each year’s funding ($10,000)
Grant Disbursement
The funds ($100,000 per year) will be awarded as follows:
- $40,000 awarded on or about September of each fiscal year; $40,000 on or about March of each fiscal year and $20,000 on or about August of each fiscal year
- Funding is dependent on receipt of acceptable yearly scientific and financial reports.
Submission Instructions: submission for LOI and full application will be made through the online portal Proposal Central.
Contact Information: Contact with any questions