Parkinson’s Disease Storybook

THE PD MOVERS – WE KEEP MOVING storybook is a compilation of narratives of African American and Black individuals and caregivers who are living and thriving with Parkinson’s disease. The goal of the storybook is to inspire and connect individuals in the community by sharing the experiences of these remarkable individuals. We also hope these stories will educate others by removing the mysteries and misconceptions of Parkinson’s disease and provide useful resources regarding diagnosis and treatment to allow others to thrive with Parkinson’s disease.

Who are the PD MOVERS?

In the Spring of 2021, the PD Movers group was born – Doctors and researchers at Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC) and Teachers College, Columbia University invited a group of Black and African American individuals with Parkinson’s Disease and their caregivers to come together to develop an educational guide for Parkinson’s disease (PD) designed specifically for the Black and African American community. APDA is thrilled to work with PD Movers to distribute this book as widely as possible.