The Optimism Walk Series is a nationwide movement to mobilize and inspire people to step up and help put an end to Parkinson’s disease. Join us at one of our locations across the nation and help us get one step closer to supporting APDA’s critical mission: Helping all people with PD live life to the fullest.
Sponsorship Opportunities
With a variety of National and Regional level sponsorship opportunities, there is a sponsorship level to fit all budgets. Optimism Walk sponsors directly impact APDA’s critical mission and programing. For more information on Sponsorship or in-kind opportunities, please reach out to Nicholas Gordon, National Director, Fundraising Event Campaigns at ngordon@apdaparkinson.org
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer to help move progress! We are always looking for volunteers to help with our events on-site. For more information, please reach out to Nicholas Gordon, National Director, Fundraising Event Campaigns at ngordon@apdaparkinson.org.