Anti-cholinergic Drugs – A Risk Factor For Dementia?

Anti-cholinergic Drugs – A Risk Factor For Dementia?

You may have read that certain medication prescribed for Parkinson’s disease can cause dementia. Dr. Gilbert will weigh in on the science behind this topic, including how these drugs work, and if there’s any casual relationship between them and an increased risk of dementia.

Spring Arrives at APDA: the Scientific Advisory Board Meeting

Spring Arrives at APDA: the Scientific Advisory Board Meeting

The spring brings with it hope, renewal, and promise, the perfect backdrop for American Parkinson Disease Association’s (APDA) yearly Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) meeting at which most exciting and promising research ideas for APDA grant funding is reviewed and recommended to the APDA Board of Directors. This year, the meeting took place on May 17, 2018.

Pictured: APDA SAB Members work diligently to determine which grants will be recommended for funding.

Introducing A Closer Look

In today’s hyper-connected world, you can find an almost infinite amount of information about Parkinson’s disease (PD) in every corner of the internet and on every social media outlet. It can be hard to know what to read, what to believe, and most importantly, what changes you should (or shouldn’t) implement in your life in response to the information that is out there.

The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Annual Meeting – Parkinson’s Disease Updates

The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Annual Meeting is taking place this week in Los Angeles, California. This is a meeting of neurologists and neuroscientists across all subspecialties of Neurology, including Movement disorders/Parkinson’s disease. At the meeting, research findings are presented, often for the first time. APDA is there and will be reporting exciting news […]

Traumatic Brain Injury and Parkinson’s

APDA’s Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Rebecca Gilbert weighs in on Traumatic Brian Injury, a small, but important contributor to the overall risk of Parkinson’s On April 18, 2018, a study was published in the journal Neurology and widely disseminated in the popular press, which demonstrated an increased risk of Parkinson’s disease (PD) after even a mild […]