Education Meetings

APDA Georgia Monthly Education Meetings

American Parkinson Disease Association Georgia Chapter present monthly education meetings. Check the APDA Virtual Calendar for much more!

PRESS Program – Beginning March 6, 2024

APDA Virtual Parkinson’s Roadmap for Education and Support Services​TM ​(PRESS​™​)

Free program designed to get you started on the right road to manage your Parkinson’s journey.

The PRESS program features tailored content to address the needs of those who have been diagnosed within the last 5 years to begin their PD journey equipped with the knowledge to live life to the fullest and with confidence and optimism.   Sessions are facilitated by a trained healthcare professional and will include presentations by experts in the fields related to each topic. The meetings will also provide a structured platform for people to share their experiences, feelings, and strategies for coping with the disease. The group is open to any adult who has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease within the last 5 years, their care partner and adult family members.  **This is a closed group and space is limited.** 

Mondays, Beginning March 6, 2024
7:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Annual Support Group Facilitator Retreat  
February 20, 2024  
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 
Town Square Adult Day Care 
Sandy Springs, Georgia  

If you are a support group facilitator for persons with PD, their families and care partners, you are an elite group of very important people. We invite you to the APDA Support Group Facilitator Retreat where you will receive tips on facilitating group discussion and listening skills, exercise demo, tips for engaging with people with Parkinson’s utilizing LSVT and other tips plus awards and recognition. Lunch included.  

Register Now
Questions? Contact Barbara Mooney, email: 

Live Well Symposium – “Thriving with Parkinson’s Disease”  
March 9, 2024  
10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. 
Dunwoody United Methodist Church  
Dunwoody, Georgia  

Spend the day with APDA and a slate of Parkinson’s disease experts to learn more about living well with PD. This program is designed to educate, inspire and empower those impacted by Parkinson’s disease. Lunch included.  

Register Now  

In Case You Missed it

Educational Webinar Archives – click title to view:

“Intimacy When Living With Parkinson’s Disease”  with Dr. Regina Koepp
View archived webinar HERE

“Working with PD – Challenges and Resources” – View archived webinar HERE

“Living Solo with Parkinson’s Disease” – View archived webinar HERE

“Having the Hard Conversations” – View archived