SAVE THE DATE: Friday, November 7, 2025
The 4th Annual APDA Massachusetts Magic of Hope Gala & Auction will take place on Friday, November 7 at the Four Seasons Hotel Boston.
The Magic of Hope Gala is one of the APDA Massachusetts Chapter’s largest fundraisers of the year. Join us for a fun-filled night of cocktails, dinner, silent/live auction and more! This special event is a spirited gathering of the local Parkinson’s community with many ways to support the APDA Massachusetts Chapter in our mission to improve the lives of those living with Parkinson’s and fund a cure!
With Parkinson’s disease affecting an estimated 20,000 in Massachusetts, one million in the US, and more than 10 million people worldwide, our services and research are more vital than ever. Please consider becoming an event sponsoring, purchasing tickets, or donating an auction item.