About Us
The primary purposes of the Georgia Chapter are:
- To raise awareness about Parkinson’s disease
- To raise funds for Parkinson’s disease research
- To plan and execute educational programs with the local Information and Referral Center
- To raise funds to support the work of the Association
- To raise funds to support the work of the Chapter
- To plan and execute Chapter outreach programs for the Parkinson’s community
Those Who We Serve
Our target audience is people diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and their caregivers. However our goal is also to serve the medical community and the community at large by raising awareness of the disease and the treatments and support available. The Georgia Chapter works in close cooperation with the Information & Referral Center at Morehouse School of Medicine to provide educational programs featuring topics that relate to Parkinson’s disease and to the caregivers. The Georgia Chapter initiates, funds and implements other outreach programs as requested by our members and our target audience.
Dr. Chantale Branson – Medical Director
Barbara Gadson – I&R Coordinator
Board Members
Wendy Whitney – President
Mark Magee – Treasurer
Ken Alfiero
Katie McGrath Bachmann
Sonja Jackson
Dr. Jorge Juncos
Mark Magee
Dwight Plyler
Dan Sanchez, RN
Cory Thompson
Paul Tom
Tim von Gal
APDA Georgia Chapter Staff
Amy Johnston – Executive Director
Barbara Mooney – Chapter Coordinator
Jean Allenbach – Regional Director