Become a Champion Partner: $10,000

By becoming a Champion Partner of APDA, your company will not only benefit from increased brand visibility, but also align with APDA’s critical mission that makes a tangible difference in people’s lives. Your support enables us to continue our essential work in providing resources, education, and support to those impacted by Parkinson’s disease.

Together, we can make meaningful impact while elevating your brand’s
presence within the Parkinson’s community.

Partnership Benefits

Logo Placement in APDA Weekly Emails
Email network over 140,000 subscribers

Hyperlinked Logo on APDA Website
Prominently displayed on Corporate Sponsor page

Listing in Information and Referral Center Directory
(if applicable)

APDA’s Information & Referral Center Directory serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking assistance, information, and services related to Parkinson’s disease.

Social Media Post highlighting Annual Partnership
One (1) social post on the APDA platform of your choice
Content and scheduling to be agreed upon by both parties

Social Media

Facebook (34.9K Followers)
YouTube (7.3K Subscribers)
Instagram (5.7K Followers)
LinkedIn (5K Likes)
X/Twitter (4.3K Followers)

2023 Website Highlights

52.7M Organic Search Impressions
11.3M Digital Impressions
1.7M Website Visitors
1.19 Article Views

Additional APDA Resources

What is Parkinson’s Disease?
Resource Library
What we Fund
Corporate Partnerships
APDA in Your Community

For more information, please contact
Heather Hays, VP of Development at
Nicholas Gordon, National Director, Fundraising Event Campaigns at

Click here to download this page

Become an APDA Champion Partner now!