Today I will address the potential link between Parkinson’s disease and a common neurologic condition called peripheral neuropathy. This...see more
Want to Join A Virtual Support Group?
If you would like to attend a support group while staying safe at home, we can help! The Virginia...see more
Planning for the What-Ifs: Sleep disorders in Advanced Parkinson’s Disease
Planning for the What-Ifs, Part Five: Sleep Disorders & Advanced Parkinson’s Disease Today we continue Parkinson’s Disease: Planning for the...see more
Planning for the What-Ifs: Bowel and Bladder Issues in Advanced Parkinson’s Disease
Planning for the What-Ifs: Part Four Bowel and Bladder Issues in Advanced Parkinson’s Disease Today we continue Parkinson’s Disease: Planning...see more
Let’s talk about Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Parkinson’s disease
Dr. Gilbert interviews occupational therapist, Holly Cohen, to discuss important information about augmentative and alternative communication options for Parkinson's...see more
Let’s Talk About Home Modifications and Parkinson’s Disease
How modifications to your environment can help you stay in your home As we hear often, Parkinson’s disease (PD)...see more
Let’s talk about Driving and Parkinson’s disease
Driving and Parkinson’s disease For some people with Parkinson’s disease (PD), there may come a time when it is...see more
What does a Movement Disorders Specialist do?
Today, I will address a topic that I get asked about quite often via the Ask A Doctor portal...see more
Maintaining your mental health during the COVID-19 crisis
Mental health in the time of COVID-19 Many people are feeling tense and anxious in this difficult time. But...see more
Other causes of tremor besides Parkinson’s disease
A tremor doesn’t always mean it’s Parkinson’s Many people think of Parkinson’s disease (PD) as the “tremor disease”, so...see more