Educating yourself about Parkinson's disease Education is a life-long process. In no discipline is this more evident than in modern...see more
The relationship between stress, anxiety and Parkinson’s disease
Anxiety can be caused by PD, while stress and anxiety can make...see more
$52 billion per year is spent on PD-related expenses, according to results of the Economic Burden of Parkinson’s Disease Study
$52 billion per year is spent on PD-related expenses, according to results of the Economic Burden of Parkinson’s Disease...see more
Menopause & PD: An Interview with APDA Researcher Dr. Roberta Marongiu
Menopause & PD: An Interview with APDA Researcher Dr. Roberta Marongiu Pre-menopausal women have a reduced risk of developing PD...see more
APDA’s Diversity in Parkinson’s Disease Research Conference 2019
APDA held the first Diversity in Parkinson’s Disease Research Conference. on 5/17/19...see more
American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting 2019 – Highlights
American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting 2019 - Highlights Our team shares 12 highlights related to Parkinson’s research from the...see more
The Role of Certain Diets for People with Parkinson’s disease
Dr. Gilbert discusses common diets often talked about by those...see more
What We Know (and Don’t Know) about Taking Particular Foods & Supplements for PD
What We Know (and Don’t Know) about Taking Particular Foods & Supplements for PD Dr. Gilbert dives into what the...see more
What we know about avoiding particular foods & supplements for Parkinson’s
What we know about avoiding foods & supplements for Parkinson’s A look at what we know and what we don’t...see more
Freezing of Gait
Freezing Of Gait A look at freezing of gait, including why it happens, tips, strategies, and walking devices that can...see more