Historic News for the PD Community

The National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act Has Been Signed into Law

Today we celebratethe President’s signing of the National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act, marking the enactment of the first-ever federal legislation dedicated to curing and preventing Parkinson’s disease (PD) and ensuring quality care for those impacted by this chronic and progressive neurologic disease.

This is an historic moment for the one million people currently living with PD in the United States, the 90,000 receiving a new PD diagnosis each year, and the larger PD community, including the many advocates who have supported this legislation. APDA is proud to be counted among them. The bill was initially introduced by Congress in 2022; it passed through the House and Senate by the end of May 2024; and was presented to the President for signature just a few days ago; and was signed into law yesterday. People with PD, care partners, health care professionals and many others helped make this new law possible by reaching out to their local legislators and making their voice heard.

Under the National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act, the Secretary of Health and Human Services will carry out the National Parkinson’s Project to prevent, diagnose, treat, and cure PD, including the establishment of an Advisory Council comprised of federal agencies, people with PD, care partners, researchers, clinicians, and other non-federal experts. The Council will advise the Secretary on PD-related issues as the National Parkinson’s Project makes progress by:

  • Providing information to influence future federal funding
  • Coordinating PD-related research and services across federal agencies
  • Promoting the development of safe and effective treatments
  • Improving early diagnosis and patient care
  • Assessing the multi-faceted impact of PD on patients, care partners, and families
  • Collaborating internationally
  • And more

This new law provides renewed hope for accelerated progress towards better treatments and a cure. Leslie A. Chambers, President and CEO of APDA, states “This marks a victory for the Parkinson’s disease community. We will continue to fight for a cure and we are emboldened by the passing of the National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act. But for now, the need for APDA’s programs and services remains as vital as ever and our commitment to improving the lives of those affected by PD is unwavering. There’s still a diagnosis every six minutes, and we are here for every one of them.”

APDA works tirelessly every day to connect people to the information that helps them feel more in control; to the medical experts who can help them manage their disease; and to the support and services that can help them feel more empowered and less alone.

We will keep you posted about the next steps in this process as the Advisory Council is formed and begins its critical work.

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