The holiday season is right around the corner. Gift shopping, cooking, cleaning, hosting friends and family, or traveling to see loved ones can feel overwhelming — especially when also navigating life with PD. Here are some tips to make the most of the holidays without creating additional work and stress.
Make gift shopping simple with gift cards or consider a “Secret Santa”-style gift exchange where you purchase a gift for just one person, instead of many.
Consider sending e-cards instead of printed cards and save the time and effort of stuffing envelopes, postage, etc.
If traveling is hard for you, don’t miss out completely! Try virtual holiday celebrations instead of in-person. You can visit with friends and family via Zoom, FaceTime, or other video chat technology from the comfort and safety of your own home. You can keep it special and festive with virtual games, storytelling, recipe sharing, and more.
Keep moving. Exercise and movement can help you feel better. There are many online classes you can join from home, or get outside for a walk or a jog.
Take time for yourself. Whether it’s to squeeze in your own doctor appointments, a phone call to an old friend, to get some exercise, or just have some quiet alone time to read a book, it is important to find a little time for YOU.
Accept help. Sometimes it takes a village. And that’s ok. If friends or family offer help, say “yes” and give them something specific to do.
Find support. You don’t have to go it alone. APDA can help you find a support group near you, or you can join an online community like Smart Patients — a discussion forum for people with PD and their loved ones where you can share advice and information.