Art Therapy Linked to Slowed Parkinson’s Progression
Dr. Gilbert comments on a recent study about the benefits of art therapy for people with PD.
Is There a Connection Between Parkinson’s Disease and Pesticides?
APDA’s Dr. Rebecca Gilbert comments on the connections and concerns re: pesticides and PD.
Development Pipeline for Parkinson’s & Alzheimer’s Filling Fast
APDA’s Dr. Rebecca Gilbert comments on recent advancements in PD medications.
How A Couple Found Hope While Managing Parkinson’s
Read about Sue and Larry who have learned to find the support and optimism to navigate their Parkinson’s disease journey with strength and hope.
The Critical Role of Exercise for Parkinson’s Patients
Read about the proven benefits of exercise for people with PD; shoutout to APDA’s National Resource Center for Rehabilitation as a trusted resource.
Studies show rise in anxiety for people battling Parkinson’s Disease
APDA’s Dr. Rebecca Gilbert comments on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with PD
Parkinson’s Disease – Early Detection and Treatments
Host Lee Kelso talks with APDA’s Dr. Rebecca Gilbert about recognizing early warning signs of PD, and what holds the most promise for successful treatment
Parkinson’s Patients’ Slow Climb Back After COVID
APDA’s Dr. Rebecca Gilbert comments on the complications of getting COVID-19 when you have PD, and the potential to recover and return to your baseline.
Parkinson’s Disease: What You Need to Know
In conjunction with April/PD Awareness Month, APDA’s Dr. Rebecca Gilbert talks with host Tammy Flynn about many different aspects of the disease and of life with PD.
Future of Personal Health
The Top 5 Concerns for Parkinson’s Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic: APDA’s Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Rebecca Gilbert, shares the five things PD patients are most worried about right now.